Donate to the Fund

All proceeds go directly into the fund to allow us to continue supporting up and coming riders


Everybody's Friend


Jacob Scott

Is the first time you have had support from the Dave Rayner Fund? 

No, also 2015 and 2016


What is your cycling history ? 
I started out mountain biking in my younger days, eventually moving to track cycling and then road racing. The last few years ace seen me focusing on the road, with 2015 seeing my season spent in Belgium.


What team are you joining in 2017? 
AnPost Chain Reaction.


Tell us a bit about your team.
AnPost is a Continental team supported by the name of Sean Kelly, the team is Irish registered but the majority of the team lives in Belgium to better the racing programme as it is more accessible to the bigger European races.


Do they have they a website/FaceBook or Twitter we can link to? 

Yes, found under AnPost Chain Reaction on all social media sites.


What is your race programme?

very good, with a lot of higher statured UCI races, both 1 day races and Tours.


Where are you going to live? 



Your Twitter name and any website or blog links.

Twitter – @jakerscott14 

blog –

Mar 02, 2017 | Category: 2017 Riders, Riders | Comments: none